


CA$ 169.00 CAD

This painting is entitled, 'Selfless' because flowers give of themselves selflessly throughout their existence. They give off their fragrance, and enlighten the world with their beauty without asking for anything in return. They provide the nectar for bees so that pollination can occur and we have our food taken care of. They assist in procreation by giving us seeds. One seed can generate multiple flowers and they give seeds that can further procreate. Thus the cycle continues. We have a lot to learn from flowers. This is the inspiration behind this painting.

Acrylic on acid free paper
The Story Behind

"Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity." - Nancy Astor

This powerful quote of Nancy Astor inspires us to think beyond ourselves and focus on the larger good.

Mother Nature gives her gifts to each of us without any discrimination. One of her gifts is beautiful flowers. I love flowers. I grew up in India. In my mother's garden there were flowers all year long. Their fragrance and beauty surrounded the house and uplifted our spirits.

As a human being and as an artist my goal is to create happiness, uplift spirits, and inspire people. This painting has been created with the same objective. If my creations bring a smile on even one person's face, I would feel that I have accomplished something.

Product Detail


CA$ 169.00 CAD

Title: Focus
Medium: Lino cut on Lenox acid free paper
Image size: 12"x12", Paper size: 15"X15.75", Framed: 20"X20"
Year: 2014
This black and white print is a part of the series, "Lessons Learned from Six-year Olds". Each piece is hand-printed by the artist. A portion of the money from the sale of this print is donated to mental health.

Knowing where one wants to go, setting the goal and focusing on it are important in order to succeed. If one can eliminate distractions and stay focused on a single goal, success is not hard to attain. Sometimes it takes a young six-year old to remind us of this. It is based on a true story.  

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