

Forever Mine

CA$ 1,355.00 CAD

This sculpture is an embodiment of the deep emotional connection between two human beings. That sublime moment, that intense relationship, that strong emotional bond of love between two human beings is frozen in time, space and is beyond the deepest depths of the ocean. It is a perfect sculpture on your mantle piece or as an exquisite gift for your beloved.

Porcelain clay, glazes
The Story Behind

This porcelain sculpture depicts the purest and most profound of human emotions called 'love'. The simplicity, purity and the gentle touch of the two human beings convey the depth of emotional bond between them. That moment is transcendental. It stays etched in memory beyond space and time. It is 'Forever Mine'. The pale blue glaze has been chosen to convey the sense of this subliminal encounter being frozen in time.

I used a very pale blue glaze which flows smoothly over the two figures. It is like that gentle subtle color of frozen ice which indicates capturing the essence of that love and keeping it etched in the mind and heart as 'Forever Mine'.

This sculpture in porcelain clay has marble like quality. The two figures are connected deeply through an emotional bond which is frozen in time. It is a moment or an experience or a feeling to cherish & hold forever in the form of a memento.

If you like this, you may also like to see Deep as the Ocean.

Product Detail

Forever Mine

CA$ 1,355.00 CAD

Title: Focus
Medium: Lino cut on Lenox acid free paper
Image size: 12"x12", Paper size: 15"X15.75", Framed: 20"X20"
Year: 2014
This black and white print is a part of the series, "Lessons Learned from Six-year Olds". Each piece is hand-printed by the artist. A portion of the money from the sale of this print is donated to mental health.

Knowing where one wants to go, setting the goal and focusing on it are important in order to succeed. If one can eliminate distractions and stay focused on a single goal, success is not hard to attain. Sometimes it takes a young six-year old to remind us of this. It is based on a true story.  

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