

Cardinal Mug

CA$ 40.00 CAD

A cardinal is an exquisite red coloured bird. The red colour is associated with love. It is a happy bird. Seeing it is uplifting. This bird evokes a spiritual connection. Many people believe that when they see a cardinal, it means that their loved ones who have departed are still with them in spirit.

The Story Behind

I grew up in India. My father used to feed birds every morning before eating his own breakfast.

The birds are beautiful to look at. They inspire me. I love painting birds.

For em, they symbolize many things, such as, freedom, living in the present, taking only what is needed, aand above all soaring high on their own strength. There's so much we can learn from them.

Product Detail

Cardinal Mug

CA$ 40.00 CAD

Title: Focus
Medium: Lino cut on Lenox acid free paper
Image size: 12"x12", Paper size: 15"X15.75", Framed: 20"X20"
Year: 2014
This black and white print is a part of the series, "Lessons Learned from Six-year Olds". Each piece is hand-printed by the artist. A portion of the money from the sale of this print is donated to mental health.

Knowing where one wants to go, setting the goal and focusing on it are important in order to succeed. If one can eliminate distractions and stay focused on a single goal, success is not hard to attain. Sometimes it takes a young six-year old to remind us of this. It is based on a true story.  

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